E-Book: Resolving the Unresolved           Souvenir of the 02nd National Convention of Insolvency Professionals and Registered Valuers           Report on Board Evaluation 2023-24           Workshop | Recent IBC Case Laws & Amendments | 15th February 2025 | 10:30am - 5:30pm           Round-table Discussion (Virtual) | IBBI Discussion Paper: Streamlining Processes under the Code | 12 Feb. 2025 | 04:00 PM           

Home > Events > Miscellaneous

Date Subject
23/08/2023 Certificate Course on Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 | August 23, 2023
29/12/2020 Workshop | "Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtor" - THINK BEFORE YOU GUARANTEE! | December 29, 2020 | 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
25/12/2020 Workshop | "Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtor" - THINK BEFORE YOU GUARANTEE! | Decembe
19/12/2020 Workshop | A Practical Approach on Insolvency in Real Estate Sector | December 19, 2020 | 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
17/12/2020 Workshop-cum-Interactive Meet | Issues Related to IP's Fees Under IBC | December 17, 2020 | 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM IST
07/12/2020 Training Program | LIT UP | Preparation of Limited Insolvency Examination | Dec.'04 - 06, 2020
29/11/2020 35th Batch Pre-Registration Education Course (Online Course) (November 23, 2020 - November 29, 2020)
21/11/2020 Workshop | Financial Statement Analysis, PUFE Transactions under IBC | November 21, 2020 | 10:00 AM
02/11/2020 Training Program | LIT UP | Preparation of Limited Insolvency Examination | Oct.' 30 - Nov.'
27/08/2020 Training Program // LIT UP / Preparation of Limited Insolvency Examination / 05-07 September, 2020
08/06/2020 Symposium: IBC (Amendment) Ordiance, 2020 on June 08, 2020 from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM (IST)
05/06/2020 Workshop: "Way forward for Insolvency Professionals in COVID - 19 Crisis" on June 05 - 06, 2
29/05/2020 Workshop: "Evolution of judicial precedents on IBC vs PMLA and IBC vs RERA" on May 29 - 30,
10/05/2020 Workshop: Cross Border Insolvency and Group Insolvency on May 10, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
03/05/2020 Workshop: Evolving Framework For Resolution Plan Under IBC, 2016 on May 03, 2020 from 1100 HRS - 18
02/05/2020 Workshop: Forensic Audit Under IBC on May 02, 2020 from 1000 HRS - 1700 HRS
25/02/2020 Conference on NCLT & NCLAT: Convergence of Corporate Jurisdiction
24/02/2020 IBBI 5th Advance Workshop at Chennai
18/02/2020 Two days training for Limited Insolvency Examination on 18th and 19th January 2020, New Delhi
07/02/2020 IBBI’s Sixth Advanced IP Workshop for Insolvency Professionals (at Hyderabad)
04/01/2020 CGRF - Invitation for Conference on Personal guarantors to Corporate Debtors to be held on 4th Jan. 2020
13/12/2019 IBBI’s Fourth Advanced IP Workshop at Bengaluru
15/11/2019 IBBI’s Third Advanced IP Workshop at Mumbai
01/11/2019 IBBI’s Second Advanced IP Workshop at Chandigarh
21/09/2019 National Conference on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
13/08/2019 Stakeholders Meeting on ‘CIRP and Liquidation Regulations’ and ‘IP, IPA and IU Regulations’ (at Nagpur) on August 13, 2019
08/08/2019 Stakeholders Meeting on “Individual Insolvency” and “IBC Amendments” (At Ahmedabad) on August 8, 2019
26/07/2019 National Conference on Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code on 26th July, 2019
04/05/2019 ASSOCHAM in association with ICSI IIP is organizing the National Conference on Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code on 04th May 2019
12/04/2019 15th Workshop on IBC, 2016 for Insolvency Professionals
06/04/2019 Train the Trainers-Insolvency Professional Course, from 6-8 April, 2019
24/08/2018 One day refresher programme for insolvency professionals held on 24th August, 2018.
27/07/2018 Roundtable on Cross Border Insolvency held at ICSI EIRC, Kolkata on 27.07.2018 (Conducted in association with CII)
24/01/2018 ICSI Institute of Insolvency Professionals and World Bank Group (WBG) jointly with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) and INSOL International (INSOL) organised a specialised Training Programme on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 in Mumbai from 22nd to 24th January, 2018?
05/10/2017 Certificate Course on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
28/04/2017 International Conference on “New Corporate Insolvency Regime” to be held on 28th and 29th April, 2017
07/03/2017 Interface on Opportunities & Challenges for Insolvency Professionals under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 held on March 7, 2017